Nowadays people forget the importance of help each other when in the past was so essential to the development of the brain according to the research led by Roger M. Whitaker and his colleagues. The research is about a "donation game" and how we act depending on different factors. When we choose two individuals among two different populations the behaviour of each population are not the same one.
However, when we put together in the same situation and they need each other to "survive", they cooperate overcoming difficult problems. That remarkable concept was tried to explain with the game as I mentioned before. In that experiment they gathered different people from different cultures -I mean they have a completely different point of view (in social, economical... ways)- donating each other the quantity of money as they want. But, the "problem" of this game is when you donate to the unrelated person, this one has the chance to judge you and can take all your money or give a part of the donation that you recently you give. In this way, even if in the beginning the people were quite selfish, eventually they cooperate each other establishing a balance.

Furthermore, if we compare the brain size with our closest ancestors which we share a 99% of our genome, we can see the brain takes up much more body weight in human beings. Also we have the largest cerebral cortex of all mammals which is responsible of thinking, communicating and taking part in memory.
Apart of such details, it is true many animals colaborate theirselfs to hunt for example, but the difference between us and them is we are able to take decisions and change those one which are wrong, we are able to empathize, we are able to leave our difference behind to achieve a common benefit, and the last and not the least we are able to forgivel. So those "traits" may are the advantage we have to keep evolving and also eto evolve our technology doing faster devices and may be an autonomous machines.
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